Heads up to those looking to travel.

Simps have found out about geomaxxing and are exporting female empowerment overseas.

It hasn't happened yet but it's already raising the prices and making the women more entitled.

You've been warned.

@basedbagel the only way to make women in to decent human beings is for the hard times to come back

@37712 @basedbagel I feel like these men never learn no matter how many times reality hits them in the face, that’s why these simps won’t survive the hard times. I think nature has a way of culling these men.



I agree. It's a shame but people would rather die than think, and they often do


@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @37712

I don't blame these guys. Accepting that we're in a post-marriage world is a shitty redpill to have to swallow if your heart is set on family.

But yes it does raise the international hoe-flation rate.

Just let the game play itself out. If you really want marriage, it will be back on the menu when we're all standing in the rubble.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel @37712 I remember awhile back @Tfmonkey made a video called The Tragedy of the Cuck, and it really explains and highlights this phenomenon.


@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @37712

I've recently taken a brief detour into Muslim content creators to learn more about what issues they have and what they're talking about.

Surprise surprise, they have a divorce crisis, a marriage crisis, and none of their women want to get married until they're 30 and have had a decade of riding infidel cock.


@UncleIroh @basedbagel @37712 yeah I’ve heard that some of Muslim no go zones are starting to cuck out.

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