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@zebuceta @sardonicsmile Aaron Clarey wrote an article/ blog titled “What If Women Just Don’t Like Men” a year or so ago. Men are like a means to an end for women, and they strongly resent the fact that they are dependent on men and biologically inferior. As soon as they don’t need men they turn on men and act hostile, especially if they’re in an environment that provides them resources/ protection without having to submit to a man. Welfare state/ affirmative action quotas is what allowed this.

@Stahesh I would also argue that men aren’t really the ones who are the gatekeepers of relationships anymore, simply because of the family court system. I would agree with you if we were talking prior to second wave feminism, but if you look at no fault divorce, child custody laws, alimony and child support laws women hold all the cards to relationships too. Not to mention they end relationships and marriage more often than men. If a relationship/marriage lasts it’s because the woman sees value.

You can’t blame the men for broken families because women are the gate keepers of sex and reproduction, and also in the family courts women use the children as leverage knowing that the less a man sees the kid the more resources they’ll be able to extract. It’s all about money that’s the reason women initiate 80% of divorces. Since the 1970s I believe, marriage rates have dropped roughly between 50-60%.

@Lorgar I don’t know man, I mean people would rather listen to a woman than a man. Honestly as long as the message gets out there, it shouldn’t matter who says it.

Working recently with a 40’s Mexican guy. Asked him if he’s married or has kids. He slowly sighs and shakes his head. Says it’s not even worth trying. It’s too hard , too expensive, women always want more. Doesn’t even try to have a relationship with a woman.


@southpole21 Like this video men are no longer interested and try to not interact with women.

This is interesting will Pearl be the one to advocate for TWRA? I mean she does have a large audience 🤔.

@MrpoopyButhole There are plenty of Thomas Sowells and Morgan Freeman’s and Denzel Washington’s out there.

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