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@sardonicsmile @Stahesh that Chinese woman trying to speak in slang honestly sounds cringy and unnatural. I used to try and talk in slang in hs but quickly stopped doing it throughout college and post college.

@sardonicsmile @Stahesh I was reading Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell some months ago, I didn’t finish the whole book but Sowell basically states that current black culture and Ebonics has its origins from redneck/cracker culture in the antebellum south, and redneck southern culture comes from Northern Britain, Welsh, and Scottish Highlands during the 18th century.

Not a fan of Andrew Tate. Nevertheless, he is correct and Right, on this.
Despite being a Veteran, I must agree with this sentiment for the same reasons he mentions.

Wrong. ONLY chads sperm is worth anything, *to women*.
Women still ONLY want to breed with the top males; *for their genetic quality*. They are not interested in your average height/looks/dark skin, etc.

Mating rights are ONLY reserved for the top males. Always has been. Every other man is trapped by females, with kids, to provide *for her* til she dies.

I hate boomers like nothing else. Those hypocrite fucks literally invented "gay" back in the 60s and 70s (obviously with help from the jew), and now that all of a sudden they're "conservative" thanks to fox news and seeing where all that liberal and fag shit ended up they make fun of our generations because a lot of us got brainwashed into faggotry BECAUSE OF THEM!!!!!!!

Day of the Pillow will truly be the most important in all of our lives.

So he married the consolation prize.
She was getting her back blown out All during high school and she settled for him, in the end.
She just realized what a low level man she married and is now panicking. He is nervously chuckling because now the jig is up. He still does not understand the married is all downhill from here; she is NOW realizes she needs to plan her exit strategy.

Men recognize competent hierarchies better than women, men are hierarchical and women are communitarian/egalitarian.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.