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@Tfmonkey and all that wisdom will be lost in time, like posts deleted on reddit

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The Nazis aren't wrong that the Palestinians will be imported into Western countries and weaponized against the native population if they don't push Israel's shit in.

Also, due to this conflict, the FBI are (once again) more worried about Islamic terrorist instead of Trump supporters, at least for now.

The enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend, but I certainly hope they fuck my enemy's shit up while I sit back and watch from a distance.

@ButtWorldsMan Mass immigration is weakening the West, but notice that the ruling class is using it to take more power for themselves and restrict the people's freedom more.

Oh, can't have protests anymore, because of terrorism.

Here, let's let black people commit crime with impunity because racism.

Oops, we need to disarm you because of the crime problem.

Weakening the country and seizing power within the country are not mutually exclusive.

"I've discovered that nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies"

"The media could have stopped it if they'd searched deep enough and hadn't reprinted government propaganda"

- Julian Assange 🚨🚨🚨

@Tfmonkey Is every shitty law passed an overreaction from women? Its a good thing these women didnt see eastern europeans back then.

Watching the Cathedral brutally crack down on Leftist pro-Palestinian protests, and even create a "no-hire list" for college Marxists who spoke out against Israel, when combined with the full throated support the Cathedral is throwing behind Israel, even threatening pre-emptive strikes against Iran and causing WW3, leaves me to conclude that it is, in fact, the Jews.

I can arrive at no other conclusion given the facts and behaviors that I'm seeing. No other hypothesis makes sense.

I was wrong.

This is a bit of a long one but it's the first time I've heard mainstream media outlets talking sinciely about male suicide - and it's coming from a woman.

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