
🇺🇸 These kids are so organized and have an established hierarchy of roles and goals. They have learned from the mistakes of past movements and know how to spot feds.

🚩 @ResistanceTrench

@Indignation 🤣 The girl from media tried crocodile tears for sympathy.

@Stahesh @Indignation

What are they accomplishing by drrsssing up in ethnic clothes and not saying anything about why they are doing what they are doing and hanging out in a group

Nothing they are just adults playing dress up

Playing dress up does not stop wars

They should be explaining to people about the evils of the non Christian Jewish religion and how the non Christian Jewish texts teach to slave or exterminate everyone they classify as non Jewish instead of playing dress up

@Indignation When they refused to speak, she decided to monologue, play victim, and cry on command. No wonder they don't talk to these people!

@Indignation she starts crying. This is so fucking stupid, we could have ended in a hug, women logic.

@37712 @Indignation It could've ended in a kumbaya orgy fuckfest, but hey, we can't be all idealistic like this broad is.

Pic unrelated...

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