
Chinks with noses like Concave functions want Jews with big noses to fuck their daughters. It’s over even chinks love the JewCum 😢😢

@Indignation This is literally her worst angle. She looks good face-to-face.

@Indignation Yeah, they openly talk about it. I wanna say HD spoke on it a while back on a stream. I really don't remember specifically what he said -- I vaguely remember something about just how important it is to them to be able to climb the social and financial ladder, and since the Chinese know the Jews take care of their own and "make good money" and have connections, it's a big deal when they snag one.

@Indignation Ah yes, C-milk, I remember watching some of their content, back when they lived in China. Funny thing, Chinese don't find his girlfriend attractive so they were fine with him "stealing her away", according to him.

Him and his motorcycle buddy are very blue-pilled in many regards, women being one example.

Regarding Jews and China, people who think the East isn't under their influence as well, will be in for a rude awakening once the dust settles.


Or were they just paid to say that that is what they want by Jewish media owners?

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