@rimugu only because they're not getting married right after
@Pain66 they didn't empower your women 🤷♂️
@RodrickSage what god?
@VooDooMedic full time windows or Linux?
Tiny hats hijinks.
How Israel cucked the United States
@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey he's telling you to fuck him cuz he programmed her
@Tfmonkey so you can be my father in law and my wife simultaneously?
Throw a used sex toy in there and you got grandkids otw😭
@RodrickSage "we need them"
Fuck you boomer we can start the next AMERICAN baby boom right now just take women's rights away
@Tfmonkey so you can be my father in law and my wife simultaneously?
Throw a used sex toy in there and you got grandkids otw😭
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian