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@ruprecht listen to a history of the antiwar riots in the north, they rolled howitzers into NYC, choice will be war here or war there

@Kang_Kong3 @PNS the fact that dad even let that feral monkey make it to court is a testament to American weakness, she'll probably be a hero in prison

Tags: wikipedia, edward_bernays, hollywood, media, subversion, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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As anyone with a working brain foresaw, the zionist "Populist Right" is being allowed to gain momentum in Europe, in an attempt to appease the masses and promote nationalism before it's time to fight WW3. Of course the controlled opposition like Info Wars will tell you "we're winning!".

Make no mistake, Trump will be president again. And no, he won't be assassinated (lol). There's also zero risk of an actual civil war happening, even if Trump died, at most you'd see a bigger J6 false flag.

Tags: article, jews, jewish_supremacist, race, whites, anti_white, charlottesville, quiet_part_out_loud, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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I think I figured out boomies. They were programmed to think like a jew.

Let me explain.

Christians believes in sacrifices for the greater good. The biggest being Jesus sacrifice for people sins. (Sorry not Christian so correct me if I'm wrong)

Buddhist is similar in that our actions leads to an outcome in the future (Karma)

jews lack both rules of thinking. They don't see personal sacrifice as a great thing but are raised to think of only their own personal gains (Gods chosen people, no Jesus sacrifice, etc)

You see it in their actions and customs. They don't even carry the burden of sins they know they commit and instead transferring it to a chicken for their blood sacrifices. Their version of lent is just them tricking God to break their own rules.

You kinda see it in the wars they fight. They don't care for civilian deaths, they even chant for it. In their eyes it's them vs the world denying them their place with God.

Now how does it relate to boomies? Well look at them. That generation is the most programmed generation ever. The TV fed them comforting lies while programing them to be perfect goys. Just an extension of jewish subversion.

Boomies tend to be the most self centered generation. Destroying the family clan for the nuclear family. Starting the destruction of their own lineage. They voted for every banking goblin initiative to protect their own meager worth knowing their children or children children will have to foot the bill. They pushed the hardest for lockdowns because the TV told them to be scared.

They even have jews lack of empathy when discussing the jewish enemies. Asked a Boomie about the middle east and they will say some dumb shit about nuking it all and simp for the greatest Ally. Boomies basically pissed off the hordes of Muslims with their jewish fandom to the point that it's going to be generational hatred to the west. Which is what (((they))) want as it puts the west as their meat shields for (((their))) fights and crimes. Theirs a reason why during Iraq occupation the locals called American Soldiers jews. Boomies have pushed the whole west into the wrong side of history because the TV told them.

Now that the damage is effecting their lives now with record inflation, hatred from all sides including their children, is when they are passing blames to everyone else but themselves.

There's a reason why the boomer generation is the only generation hated by their predecessor for being weak and the two following generations for role playing as jews.

TLDR: blame boomies for being jewish puppets.

@Tfmonkey Ritter never made it they took his passport and kicked him off the plane lol
Better than a russian prison for now

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