@icare4america prison?
Public execution!
@SilverDeth @TrevorGoodchild surah al fatihah😂
@crimsonrealist @LysanderMooner
Stop stereotyping
Never forget Ashkenazi Jews can also commit incest
Muslims do not have a monopoly on incest that is a stereotype
@crimsonrealist @shortstories I'm not denying Jewish or Muslim consanguinity they both participate
@ButtWorldsMan it's a stereotype but many a whitey partaking these days, it's what's on offer
@Tfmonkey can you please share that Scott Ritter clip or direct me to it?
@VooDooMedic good luck😜
@shortstories @crimsonrealist stereotypes Arent given, they're earned
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian