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Time to test this.


U.S. & Chinese Scientists Working To Make MORE DEADLY Bird Flu Strains!

There are actual human beings that don't work for the government who believe that Jan 6th was some kind of insurrection and this blackpills me.

I can mathematically demonstrate why the Western world is fucked.
Let’s take the simplest of all equations: a + b = c
The value the Western world adheres to is equality. According to this, it is paramount that a = b = c
However it is only possible if a = 0, b = 0 and c = 0
So equality can only exist in 0. In nothingness.
And this is where we are going.

"America's Taiwan", Alaska is sending natl guard to Texas in opposition to Texas natl guard to aid Biden s human smuggling operation so boomer Jews can keep the kosher organs and baby dicks flowing

When is Abbott gonna load up the drones with nerve gas like Ukraine did?

What'd y'all think of the video of that dude holding his dad's head after killing him for being a fed?

@ButtWorldsMan @marlathetourist @Tfmonkey

What if Trump gets elected

Saves the economy

Causes white people to die in a war for Israel

Trump gets fake assassinated with a bullet, sword, knife or other head wound

Trump turns out to be alive after three days

Trump is Jew who rebuilds the Jewish temple

Trump orders everyone must become a slave to the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews & only worship Jews & Jew god Hashem or get executed

Trump orders Christians to be mass executed for idol worship

@Tfmonkey Um, bigot, they're OUR nazis. And it's OUR ethnic cleansing.

Watching Jews cry about antisemitism and invoking the holocaust while they actively commit genocide is right up there with Jews using their vast network of control to punish anyone who points out that Jews have a vast network of control.


Because of the word limit there is too much text too prove my point about Jews executing people for practicing other religions most especially Christianity

Extensive quotations are taken from Rabbis and Jewish books

I have checked numerous Talmud quotations from this website and found them on Jewish websites saying essentially the same thing in English

For a more specific article

New America
1. America's New Government Church

Come-and-hear dot com

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.