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@Stahesh @Gonzo17

Do not get neuralink because they will run it backwards to put stuff in your brain without your consent to control your behavior

I went to Baptist Church and someone said a prayer for Israel to defeat Iran 🙄
If I go this week I'll pray for the christians in Palestine who are being targeted and for God to exact just vengeance upon the crucifiers whether acting through our Muslim brothers or not

@LysanderMooner - Titties you say? 🤔 Well, I'm gonna have to slide over the feddy to check this out.

If one religion has a tenet of restricting other religions and members of that religion control congress then the first ammendment does not work

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Everyone involved in this administration these NGOs and shelters needs to be RICO'd for human trafficking

I think this is true. EUans usually think they are about equal with the US, but they are nowhere near.

Too many titties on the feddy now I need a happy ending 😩

I'm jealous that snowden is in Russia I wonder if he has assimilated somewhat



1 Can understand what they are getting into

2 Can economically survive on their own without getting married so someone can not say they were economically coerced into marriage. Should be mentally & physically capable to farm their own food. They can choose to depend on husband for economics without being forced to marry because they can not economically survive without their husband

This would result in a different percent that meet those criteria at different ages

The hero you are looking for resides inside. I suggest you fucking find it.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.