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I Love America News:
5/1/2024 Thread

"Thanks, Obama..."
-Harvey Weinstein (probably)

🇺🇸🇮🇱⚡🇵🇸 According to local sources, about 200 armed pro-Israel terrorists attacked the American students and beat them.

The police and security forces are doing nothing to prevent these pro-Israel terrorists from attacking the students.

🚩 @ResistanceTrench

I need to spend this was of cash I'm sitting on interest rate isn't beating inflation and housing is fucked
Spend it on Vice hedonism and gluttony I guess

The WEF has created something called C40 Cities

This is our planned, literal future enslavement , and they are not hiding it anymore

Apparently, Sadiq Khan has been touring the world, promoting, and preparing people for this incoming plan

The media doesn't want you to know

@LysanderMooner One way or the other. Every day that shits gets worse we get every day closer to taking women rigjts away.😈

Tags: twitter, race, whites, anti_white, blm, covid, coronavirus, hypocrisy, riots, protests, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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@LysanderMooner The day we're ready to take women's rights away, is the day we're ready to take on the government (Jews) and the weak men (military/police/compliant peasants). The only group I see who MIGHT be physically and mentally prepared for such a scenario, are African/Middle-Eastern migrants, which is why the government is recruiting them.

There is no way things will improve without some sort of catastrophic purge happening first (nukes, major VAIDS or a powerful solar flare).

With Andrew Tate pissing in whiteys face over females holding their genetic legacy hostage are we getting closer to taking women's rights away?

@LysanderMooner Trump and Bidens kids all married Jews.

The dots are touching at this point.

The Jews are throwing DEI and trannies under the bus and pivoting to Republicans in order to ensure support for Israel.

It looks like they won't assassinate Trump after all. They'll let him be President again as long as he promises to support Israel with (what remains of) the US military.

If you have a hypothesis of why the Cathedral would throw not only trannies and minorities, but Democrats under the bus for the sake of Israel that isn't "the Jews run the Cathedral" I'm all ears.

Whenever I'm at an impass in life and I really need to make a tough decision I ask myself

What would Hitler do?

the older i get, the more i understand Cypher from the Matrix, i would rather not know the truth man.

to just enjoy the simplicity of life like a moron. maybe i should play the role of a moron more often, fuck morality, for honor. be just like an NPC.

Europeans are much more familiar with canceling currency.

Those governments are much more Marxist and have been canceling currencies routinely since WWII. What happens is you are forced to bring your cash in to swap it for the new version. In this case, it will be digital.

@shortstories @Pain66 Medical Health Care business will die soon due people changing to a whole food plant base diet cause All medical business diseases are cause by meat dairy and eggs consumption

Americans in the past might have thought that the US would have a dictator in the future, but who knew that every American would support tyranny?

Americans in the past might have thought that the USA would become a police state in the future, but who knew that the whole world would become a police state?

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