@Tfmonkey Why would you be telling ppl to vote for trump anymore, the guy is jew controlled probably more than biden. He will send actual americans to go die for the jews in israhell so why are you telling people to go vote for him. You cant expect this corrupt system to ever unfuck itself, it is beyond saving. with Biden it will surely collapse and a new one can be born from its ashes, also no conscription or WW3, but with Trump, Jew suppremacy in the USA and WW3 is assured, boogaloo cancelled.

@37712 To be fair, he does acknowledge Trump serves Israel and isn't going to save anyone. But yes, I'm slightly puzzled by his soft Trump endorsement. I can only assume he thinks a Trump presidency will come with a housing market crash or that it will slow things down enough for him to leave California.

Still, it should be obvious that Trump is BY FAR the worse choice, as Americans still trust him enough to fall for psyops. If anyone can convince the Right to fight, it's him.

@Based_Accelerationist @37712 we have a two party system, but go ahead and vote 3rd party if you want to send a message. It probably won't matter.


@Tfmonkey He's talking about voting for Biden, because Biden is incompetent and unlikable. Biden can't draft us, Trump maybe can. Enough said.

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