@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey the guy has a point. He should have put that gladiator to death and sold his wife in to sex slavery, but even Marcus was a simp all along.

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan he DID have the gladiator put to death, but his claim to the empire (as an adopted son) was through his wife, so if he killed her he wouldn't have a claim to be emperor anymore.

He had the gladiator killed and fucked his wife while covered in the gladiator blood. I am not kidding, look it up.


@Tfmonkey @37712 I reject his excuse on the basis that he created this situation for himself. Never marry up as a man. You don't want powerful in-laws. You don't want a wife you can't get rid of. Marcus Aurelius, the supposed philosopher king, made the biggest blunder a man could make, and paid the price. He is a cuck. He chose being a cuck over leaving the throne.

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