
So many countries are going to hate us long after the empire has fallen. The same way eastern Europe hates Russia for what the USSR did, they will hate us for this.

@Mongoliaboo They will, if they can remember it, but then again, they already hated the US before this war with Russia and with good reason. Unless if, by "countries" you mean their leaders, in which case they don't hate the US, they hate their own people just as much as Americans, as they actively work against their interests all to get in that big club.



George W Bush and Obama up-ended the Middle East, and now we're about to enter WWIII downstream of their contributions, but they get to retire in luxury?

Political consequences take generations to play out. Corruption thrives when true skin in the game has been eradicated.


"Laurence Douglas Fink (born November 2, 1952) is an American billionaire businessman. He is a co-founder, chairman and CEO of BlackRock"

"Fink was born on November 2, 1952.[6][7] He grew up as one of three children in a Jewish family"

They gave Germany debt to repay prior to world war 2 and now they give Ukraine debt in a way that sounds familiar

In 1933 Judea declared war on Germany

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