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Simps, whiteknights, and those who put women on pedestals… will get blocked.

Am seen a ton of people form the US mainland, starting dividing people by skin color, some jackass started protesting how there are no black churches in Puerto Rico.

bro, Puerto Rican can be pale white and dark brown and still be blood related. stop that BS.

@Tfmonkey another one joins your side

25:40 Better Bachelor agrees to take women rights away

Women lie about everything part 2

"I wear makeup for myself"

Women do NOT wear makeup, fake eyelashes, drawn on eyebrows, and get plastic surgery
"for themselves"

Women do it for validation. Which is why they insist men have to pay for expensive dates, because "I put a lot of effort in to look this good"

In my opinion all that fake shit that women wear to hide how they really look isn't attractive anyway.

It's the year 2030. Women across the world have collectively given up on ever engaging the realm of logic without robotic assistance. Men have uncovered an ancient rite. A traditional ritual meant to end any verbal assaults by these cyborg femoids. Men have discovered: the pimp slap.

"What does chatgpt think about the back of this hand?"

Huh, so better help is just another way women extract money from men while pretending to care about their problems. Better help is also Israeli funded. Seriously? Jews again?

I just watched an acquaintance marry a woo bitch. I have no idea how blue-pilled this guy has to be in order to do this. But I've noticed something through it.

Being blue-pill has become an entry requirement for society. I notice that my welcome always runs out the moment I say I'm not seeing anyone. And, if enough time passes and I don't mention a female guarantor, it runs out anyway.

Blue-pillers are in for a world of hurt later, but in the meantime, they get a hall pass for society.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.