Declaring war on a population of people who wholeheartedly believe in and prepare for a full-on "end times" collapse isn't the same as sneak-attacking 3 senior citizens and 3 children in a 200-student Elementary school atop a small hill, you faggot necromorph abomination piece of shit. This is stupid even for a mentally ill literal-incel retard. Especially when enemy troons are so easy to identify.

@RoninGrey - Gotta be honest, I've come to despise christianity. It's the bible thumpers and their hypocrisy... they've been fucking with my life for a long time now, and I'll be glad to see them go.

No one should have to live according to someone else's "holy book". And that's why I'll never be Muslim either - even if they are right about women.

Sorry homez. I'll pour one out for all the turned cheeks though... 🫗


@YoMomz @RoninGrey Christianity is why the Right will never do anything. They’ve been indoctrinated to believe that everything is a test from God and that they just have to go along with it.

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@Mr_Mister @YoMomz @sardonicsmile I realize me and mine are the minority of Christians. Most churches are useless. We do have some cowboys left around here, though. Even ones like me who are usually even-tempered and the voice of reason are lately more at odds with modern Christianity and the World, who end up pushing us more into an all-or-nothing mentality.

"Love your enemies," "turn the other cheek," "give him your coat also" does not mean "Give up your responsibilities to God and others."

@RoninGrey @YoMomz @sardonicsmile Part of me wants the WEF to win so they will just cull all the fucking Christcucks then themselves through communism. All I have to do is isolate somewhere.

@Mr_Mister @YoMomz @sardonicsmile Yeah, that's the plan. I can do nothing at all about what's coming, and all I intend to do a stay away from it, not sound the alarm. I'm not a threat to their world conquest. We can just keep quiet about each other, as long as no one shows up at the front door.

Like Nike says, "Just do it!"

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