Trump says it was definitely Iran behind the hack on his campaign. Just like it was Iran behind the staged assassination attempt.

Just know that, no matter who you vote for, war with Iran is on the menu, the only question you have to ask yourself is, do I want an unlikable puppet in the White House, or one that can actually rally his supporters and trick them into falling for false flags?

@Based_Accelerationist do you want an orange boomer or a brown woman telling you to go to war?


@VeganMGTOW It absolutely makes a difference. You gonna have a woman tell you to go fight and die in a war?

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@Mr_Mister @VeganMGTOW - I remember when I was in the military, and blue-pill as all hell... 🤔

One day my section was getting our asses chewed for some mundane sort of fuck up... and our commander was a civilian, and a woman. Even as young & blue-pill as I was, the contempt I felt was visceral. 🧐

@Mr_Mister For me Kamala and Trump have the same amount of estrogens so For me there is Not difference both are woman in My eyes

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