
Trump says it was definitely Iran behind the hack on his campaign. Just like it was Iran behind the staged assassination attempt.

Just know that, no matter who you vote for, war with Iran is on the menu, the only question you have to ask yourself is, do I want an unlikable puppet in the White House, or one that can actually rally his supporters and trick them into falling for false flags?

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@Based_Accelerationist - in 2016, Trump made the mistake of surrounding himself with swamp creatures while trying to battle the deep state.

In 2024, Trump says to himself "If you can't beat'em, join'em."

@YoMomz He might've made that mistake when he befriended Epstein and took money from the Rothschilds, but I wouldn't blame anything that came afterwards on ignorance/stupidity.

@Based_Accelerationist - Epstein client? I doubt that.

All I can say with confidence, is that however Trump may have started out... In the end, his original vision didn't matter enough to him.

He could've been great. But he settled for passibly fulfilling his purpose (shaking things up), and his relevance has passed. 🍻

@YoMomz I don't know if he was a client, although I wouldn't be surprised given that he said he wouldn't declassify the Epstein files. Epstein also claims he introduced him to Melania.

It's easy to understand why Trump would make this choice, the only ones fighting for control over the US are Israelis. No one else has his back like they do and no one is willing to go to such lengths to get their way. The people don't care, they're fine with voting and pay taxes, why should anyone listen to them

@Based_Accelerationist do you want an orange boomer or a brown woman telling you to go to war?

@Mr_Mister I want the one who's worse at convincing Americans to fight for Israel. That would be Kamala. Nobody likes her.

All the orange messiah needs is a false flag, a few deaths and that'll be enough to get many conservatives on board.

@Based_Accelerationist Oh I want Kamala as prez because it’ll just accelerate the collapse.

@VeganMGTOW It absolutely makes a difference. You gonna have a woman tell you to go fight and die in a war?

@Mr_Mister @VeganMGTOW - I remember when I was in the military, and blue-pill as all hell... 🤔

One day my section was getting our asses chewed for some mundane sort of fuck up... and our commander was a civilian, and a woman. Even as young & blue-pill as I was, the contempt I felt was visceral. 🧐

@Mr_Mister For me Kamala and Trump have the same amount of estrogens so For me there is Not difference both are woman in My eyes

@Based_Accelerationist "They" are looking at it Professionally,Is it the FBI don't want to say,But it's Iran,because I am protecting people in the middle East but he doesn't want to say? The Jews feed him this biased false flag narrative so they can steer the American public MagaTards into saying we gonna fuck Iran up were America they can't hack us and get away with it,It is so exhausting

@Scubbie Yes, him claiming he's saving people in the Middle East and that's why Iran doesn't like him, is such obvious propaganda. As always it's up to Americans to protect others from themselves... lol

And his base believes him, which is why he's so dangerous.

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