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It's @Tfmonkey fault I was totally not antisemitic until he told me to hate hashtag not all Jews. Jokes on him though, because I knew it was the Jews the whole time! White power! But not the white Jews. Or the Arabs, or indians, or Spanish, or Portuguese, or French, or those other white adjacent...

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Genocide the Jew , genocide the Jew, there's too many, way to much ,genocide the Jew. Genocide the Jew, you can help us too, killing Jews is so much fun, genocide the Jew!

@Tfmonkey why would brics use XRP isn't ripple an American company? I thought they made their own new silk road token.

@Tfmonkey this guy makes a kingdom for his people, because he's strong.
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic - Wikipedia

:animu_Christmas_bell: I collected another gif!

Paris Yaaaaaaaas
One dead after stabbing attack in central Paris – interior minister

Life is too boring without you @PordanJeterson . May your blight be my blessing.

@VooDooMedic I hate kikes as much as the rest of us do but it's not a nigger or a kike problem. It's a will to power.

@FabulousMAP listen here kid didler if you try to touch my baby dick I'll cry bloody murder!

Help me @ButtWorldsMan a pedophile is following me! He wants to touch my pp! What do I do?

Lol the cope is off the charts!
Why Ukraine is now claiming its disastrous counteroffensive was only a smokescreen? @ButtWorldsMan holy fuck is George neive do you know why deflation in the thirties is different than RIGHT FUCKING TODAY! Banks don't print money George. Banks can't print gold George.

How do you abort a baby? Put a little boogie 2798 in it.

@Tfmonkey you mean semiglutude? Smeg pied? Ozempic? Take waygovee fat ass. @ButtWorldsMan people get fucked up guys it's for diabetes cuz they fat as fuck

I guess Iran pussyed out again no terrorists attacks for remembering day

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A club for red-pilled exiles.