
She’s a single mom but don’t you single dads hit her up. Literally NEVER give women rights. I mean seriously you’re better off just burning your civilisation to the ground at that point.

@Pain66 Wants high income, marriage within a month, 30k diamond, and to adopt her kids. She's blatantly trying to rip the guy off for child support.


She's either doing a skit, or launching a moonshot. After all, someone has to win the lottery right? Same energy.

@UncleIroh @Pain66 agreed, some of that did not make sense.
6 foot taller than me
4 to 6 bedroom for my two kids

@37712 @UncleIroh Yeah always the possibility this could be fake. But I do think there’s a lot of single moms not wanting to date single dads which is just so dumb imo. It’s like the golden opportunity to fix a broken family and restore some semblance of a stable life for the kids. I think parents who throw that kind of opportunity away is making a bad call. I was more bad on principle rather than at the individual post.

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