@Pain66 - I gotta say, the burka is really growing on me.

@Pain66 The secret sauce was completely removing women from the workforce and taking them out of government.
The rest is pretty superfluous.

@Zeb @Pain66 I like how they force women to cover everything.

Most of the problem comes when women have chance to show off their beauty and tempt men to simp.

Now she looks like dude so men will not simp so hard for her.

@Pain66 I am almost tempted to visit there as a tourist.

@Pain66 As it should be. You can tell it's right by how triggered western feminist women get.

any society that bans porn must also force women to dress like this.

to ban porn and then allow women to dress like whores would be to give women complete control over the power dynamic.

you have to be the dumbest motherfucker in the universe to do that.


All I am waiting for now is for their access to communications technology to be limited and monitored.

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