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@Wopu I'm not seeing anyone talk about it in my usual spheres. Houthis have been including video footage of most of their declared attacks now after media tried to lie and say they didn't sink that bulk carrier a few months back, so it's suspicious they wouldn't do that this time.

@PNS So now when I tell assholes to eat shit it's actual medical advice? Good to know!

@vic @7666 @Nimbius666 Until C suite sees the value of testing and documentation, I don't think things will change and code monkeys like me can't properly explain its importance to them. Sure you're faster in the short-term cranking out code, but any salty dev will tell you maintenance of shitty code is what becomes your biggest cost.

@CatLord @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS The original figures are way back in a blogpost here:
I probably made a mistake as looking around, the figure was likely hypersonics in general, not specifically Kinzhals. This report puts Tomahawk production ~2.2k/y, but this fluctuates and is old: (assuming Raytheon meets contract deliverables...)

Russia has over a dozen hypersonic systems deployed today while the US none.

@7666 @Nimbius666 Certainly easier to tell that to management vs actually creating a testing suite.

@InvictusManeo @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @TrevorGoodchild The US wanted to ensure EU and RF never normalize relations to preserve US hegemony. Due to sheer fucking hubris, they instead made RF and China buddies, drove OPEC into BRICS+, de-industrialized the EU, de-militarized NATO, and now have to also deal with a jewish doomsday cult that controls nuclear weapons. I don't think GAE could have fucked it harder if they tried.

@Nimbius666 I think a robust test suite helps with this. I think a well designed test explains code better than comments ever will and also gives immediate feedback on how changes affect function, which is invaluable for new team members onboarding.

@CatLord @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS I find it more helpful to look at the larger picture. The biggest takeaway is the maneuver warfare is out and attrition warfare is back. RF can outproduce US/NATO in artillery shells, missiles, tanks, and drones. The number of Kinzhal hypersonics RF has launched is greater than the number of US Tomahawks that have ever been made since the 70s. The US doesn't even have a hypersonic prototype. US/NATO runs out of ammo vs a peer adversary in a few weeks.

@transgrammaractivist @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @Spingebill I'll engage one last time, but you're splitting hairs. I define a US loss as the US offering terms of surrender and another state actor accepting them. My position is any nuclear capable nation will never allow another nation to dictate terms of surrender.

@transgrammaractivist @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @Spingebill We took our ball and went home. Giving up is not losing. The Taliban, Koreans, Vietnamese, etc were never in a position to dictate terms of surrender. ZOG has painted itself into a corner. They are all in on rebuilding the temple and triggering the apocalypse. We will all get to see how that plays out for them.

@Paultron @nugger @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @RegalBeagle @Spingebill >can't test nukes

Ok, then let's just launch a few at Africa and can it "Global Humanitary Aid".

@transgrammaractivist @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS Currently, I agree, but our trajectories are different. Russia and the BRICS+ nations are ascending while US/NATO/EU are in decline. US needs war to keep the ascending powers under their thumb.

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