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@Justicar As long as our just in time delivery system and electronic fiat currency continue to function, sure. When it doesn't, shit get real 3rd world, real fast.

I hate fats almost as much as niggers and zionists. If you're a fat white reading this, fix your shit. Your ancestors are just as disgusted with you as I am and you're unprepared for what the future holds. Off to the squat rack I go.

You may be out of luck. Israel has no domestic laptop manufacturing.

@sun I'd recommend a Huawei instead. Less likely to blow your cock off since it lacks Israeli chips.

@shortstories Past infancy, the father has more influence on the development of children and his methodologies and mannerisms influence his children. The more capable the man, the more capable the children.

@sardonicsmile I hear women used to fill that role before we gave them rights.

@dictatordave @william @vic I become apoplectic knowing that at no level of the Israeli military, from the intel analysts, to the mission planners, to the pilots dropping the bombs were there any qualms backstabbing an ally. Traitors deserve to burn in the deepest layer of hell.

@william @vic Israel attacked the USS Liberty to try and drag our nation into supporting their war against the Arabs back in 1967. Now they bribe our politicians with our own tax payer dollars to get us dragged into even more wars to waste our blood and treasure. Iran will finish the work Hadrian started as soon as the US blinks, and that day can't come soon enough.

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