
People ask me why i keep shaving my beard off? well, am a werewolf so it grows fast, and second, too many cucks have one now so, it's lost all its prestige.

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@RodrickSage I too shave. Because I hate how food stuck there and how my facial hair get into mouth,

@Stahesh @RodrickSage

Embrace the "Canis lupus".

Mere cucks and food should not have the power to sway you from the righteous path of wolfy beardedness.

@Stahesh @RodrickSage Friendly Mutton Chops could solve the problem just shave the neck beard mustache off and chin

@Scubbie @RodrickSage Best I can do is mustache with goatee.and some Sideburns.

For some reason I am lacking when it comes to facial hairs.

@Stahesh @RodrickSage maybe one day when your balls drop it will start to grow in keep shaving it

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