Just thinking: I regret not knowing how to act or how to stand up for myself, when I was younger. Some idiots claim that "bullying makes you tough"; it doesn't. It makes you realize your place in the hierarchy. When you do stand up for yourself, they bully you harder. Because you are not following hierarchy and staying in the place society has relegated you to. If you kill a cockroach, then you are a hero. If you kill a butterfly, then you are a villian. Beauty is the standard for morality.


I agree with most of that. Not the last 3 sentences though.

Bullies are the very definition of might is right, and they don't need to lean on either beauty or morailty to get their way.

Best example is the clot-shot. The state bullied everyone, stomped on a whole lot of butterflies and roaches and then told you what to believe or we'll take everything you hold dear.


@UncleIroh @sardonicsmile

its was the bullies who drive in the great depression.

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