
Just thinking: I regret not knowing how to act or how to stand up for myself, when I was younger. Some idiots claim that "bullying makes you tough"; it doesn't. It makes you realize your place in the hierarchy. When you do stand up for yourself, they bully you harder. Because you are not following hierarchy and staying in the place society has relegated you to. If you kill a cockroach, then you are a hero. If you kill a butterfly, then you are a villian. Beauty is the standard for morality.

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@sardonicsmile Funny thing how hero is the one who push himself and try to fight weak peoples "evil" while people just do nothing and are even lazy to protect themself.

But why should give someone something when they exploit you.

So fuck it let them suffer become villain.

@sardonicsmile If you're dealing with school gangs, then your only option is to avoid them. But if it's just one tough guy and the others are regular kids, you usually just need to send him to the hospital once. I was both bullied and a bully and those experiences taught me a few things. I can say they also made me mentally tougher.

People only care about power/status, if you're on top, you're the good guy, if not then you're a loser with nothing to offer. Kids are no different.

@Based_Accelerationist I do not think you gleaned the "lesson" of being bullied.
You were bullied because you were/are low status. Higher status people bully low status people to affirm their positions in the hierarchy.
You did not interpret bullying correctly and are cloaking it with "mental toughness".

@sardonicsmile Except by facing the bullies I actually became mentally tougher. I used to avoid fights at all costs and I lacked confidence. If it wasn't for being bullied, I wouldn't have had the need to overcome those fears. Now some of my fondest memories are of me punching those kids in the face.

As for why I was picked on, it was because I lacked social skills at the time and didn't make friends. So yeah, social status.


I agree with most of that. Not the last 3 sentences though.

Bullies are the very definition of might is right, and they don't need to lean on either beauty or morailty to get their way.

Best example is the clot-shot. The state bullied everyone, stomped on a whole lot of butterflies and roaches and then told you what to believe or we'll take everything you hold dear.

@UncleIroh Well, the clot-shot was propaganda meted out to carry out a political agenda. Bullying is a social act to establish hierarchy.
The clot-shots purpose was not to establish social hierarchy. It was to cull the population and to do clinical trials for efficacy.
Attractive people are never "bullied". They are the standard. I do not need to go into examples of how outraged people are when an attractive female, or male, is caught in a crime. Men who are unattractive are guilty by de


Strong disagree. The government absolutely set out to establish hierarchy, a brand new one, and broke with all preceding traditions of liability and due-process to do it. When asked, people say they felt bullied.

At the personal level, women destroy beautiful things all the time - families, children, men, businesses - and are praised for it.

Your specific claims on morality and beauty don't stand up.

@UncleIroh @sardonicsmile when it comes to woman, the universe itself will be against you, Eve ate the apple and nothing happened, it was when Adam ate it shit happened.

God did not punished David for sleeping with Shiva, he punished him for thinking he was more then him, Solomon got punished not for the two million wives, he was punished cuz he worshiped other gods

God is not a God for the plebs, he is the God of the bloodline, we are nothing to him and he will make an example of us.

@RodrickSage @sardonicsmile

I see nothing wrong with those examples because the entailment in each is something we all know to be true - women are children with boobs, nothing more.

It's on us to put them back in line.

@UncleIroh My examples stand just fine without me explaining them. Moreover, the government doesn't need to set out to establish a hierarchy. They *are* the top of the hierarchy. They *are* the elites. We are just the cattle they use to make money off of, experimenton, and fight their wars (to acquire assets to make money). Finally, the government never adhered to any tradition of liability or due process. They are above the law.


All untrue.

You're describing "rule by lions", states that unashamedly rule by decree & naked force, e.g.Soviet era Russia, North Korea.

The Western model is not that, it's "rule by foxes", which means rights, laws, debate & the concept of consent, however fake that is.

It's model requires hidden power to work (CIA, NSA, deep state, etc..). N Korea doesn't need any of that shit.

Our elites are trying to maintain the look of fox power while behaving like lions. That's new.


To just assert that elites are the same regardless of the country or hierarchy they are at the top of, is just to deny reality and history.

What you describe is more like a childs version of power, or a lefty's straw man.

You can turn a lion state into a fox state without too much bloodshed. You cannot turn foxes into lions without a stack of bodies 10's of millions high.

@sardonicsmile remember, the elites in Rome some the wage workers as nothing more than dirt, " how can you be more the what you are if, your too busy working for a salary. "

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