This is my "vampire parable for @VooDooMedic

Imagine if vampires were real.

Humans organize as vampire hunters, but then some of the hunters argue that because Dracula was a man and Dracula created the vampire problem that men are the problem. Also female vampires are sexy, so the hunters agree only to kill the male vampires.

So the hunters kill only male vampires (along with men who shop at Hot Topic and "look" like vampires), while the female vampires are free to spread and prey on humans.


@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic Killing the biggest colony of ants won't destroy all ants or keep them from coming back, but their argument is that killing the biggest and most dangerous, immediate ants will chill things out for a good while.

But yes, you do have to keep spraying for bugs / commies eventually. Sometimes it's your filthy neighbor and sometimes it's because you don't clean the kitchen.

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