
This is my "vampire parable for @VooDooMedic

Imagine if vampires were real.

Humans organize as vampire hunters, but then some of the hunters argue that because Dracula was a man and Dracula created the vampire problem that men are the problem. Also female vampires are sexy, so the hunters agree only to kill the male vampires.

So the hunters kill only male vampires (along with men who shop at Hot Topic and "look" like vampires), while the female vampires are free to spread and prey on humans.

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@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic

You said that a lot to mean something else as a story with a moral lesson but vampires are real

1 Mohels are Jew vampires that suck circumcision blood with their mouths

Young blood transfusion refers to transfusing blood specifically from a young person into an older one with the intention of creating a health


Paranormies Season 7 Episode 74 Drinkers of Life

4 Elizabeth Bathory

@shortstories @VooDooMedic sure, there are weirdos who are into blood and sucking baby dicks, but I'm talking about the fictional vampires with supernatural powers and the ability to spread their curse to their victims.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic

When a Mohel sucks the blood they turn a certain percentage of the victims into Mohels and the curse spreads

@shortstories @VooDooMedic since the baby dicks they suck are jewish babies, and a percentage of those babies grow up to be rabbis themselves, I'm sure that's true, but that's not vampirism.

Jews just suck baby dicks for some reason. It's weird, but it's their own kids dicks they're sucking, so it's none of my business.

They're not having "baby dick story time" where rabbis go to public schools to suck the dicks of non-jews or anything, so I don't care.

As long as it's their kids, don't care.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic

"Rav says: It means that the Torah does not deem the intercourse of one who is less than nine years old to be like the intercourse of one who is at least nine years old, as for a male’s act of intercourse to have the legal status of full-fledged intercourse the minimum age is nine years. And Shmuel says: The Torah does not deem the intercourse of a child who is less than three years old to be like that of one who is three years old."

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic

"Therefore, just as one who engages in intercourse actively is not liable if he is less than nine years old, as the intercourse of such a child does not have the halakhic status of intercourse, so too, if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively, the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable."

Talmud Sanhedrin 54b

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic

Vampires are afraid of crosses because they are Jewish and Jewish people are afraid of crosses

Therefor Atheist vampires would be afraid of crosses because they represent the Christian god

Except the Atheists who are not very vocal about it and do not believe in a god but do not care if you believe in a god

@YoMomz I will stoop to even low tier shitposts. The heart wants what the heart wants, and my need to shitpost is like a crack fiend's need for a hit.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic If I'm not mistaken, their argument is that the Jews are the vampire in the story, not the men.

Problem A in story: infecting men
Jews: pushing degeneracy and faggotry

Problem B in story: infecting women
Jews: pushing communism

Problem C in story: masquerading as humans
Jews: lying, stealing, and playing victims

And so on.

They believe that communism is just one problem that the Jews always bring and push hard consistently so I don't think this argument works on them.

@RoninGrey @VooDooMedic It started out as a parable about pedophilia.

We only go after male pedophiles, while letting female pedophiles go free, and go after men who aren't even pedophiles but who like anime.

It also works as a communist/jew thing because everyone is obsessed with blaming jews, but nobody wants to do anything about women's rights and welfare dependence.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic The problem is definitely our own people. Blaming Jews for our idiocy and for our people not being able to stand strong or fight against all of these ideas just sounds like bitching at the other team because your team loses every game . . . because you didn't train your team to win.

But like you say, it's a cycle and has to happen.

@RoninGrey @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic okay, instead of bitching about how your team is a bunch of whiny bitches, how about be the one that stands up and gives a pep talk to boost their morale? What would the scotts have done without William Wallace? The ruling class are still trying to memory hole him as urban legend to this day.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic Killing the biggest colony of ants won't destroy all ants or keep them from coming back, but their argument is that killing the biggest and most dangerous, immediate ants will chill things out for a good while.

But yes, you do have to keep spraying for bugs / commies eventually. Sometimes it's your filthy neighbor and sometimes it's because you don't clean the kitchen.

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