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This is like the 5th time the AI has colored in the glowing blue eye automatically.

Damn it, I forgot to crop it.

Porque I have to screenshot it because it will download but not post.

What a fucking boomer I am.

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Let's start the so-called WW3 apocalypse with a dad-joke pun about Apocalypse, a waifu, and a meme.

Iran already brought the Doritos as a snack. Rogue brought the cake.

Excel is FUCKING AWFUL these days.

Microsoft as a whole.

The Rothchilds did this to me.

Somebody ran off with my duct tape. I'm gonna go rabid on someone.

Might even grow an extra limb to smack people with while I hold some sort of unprompted sex toy to throw at their head when I yell, "Take this! Because fuck you!"

@Tfmonkey I missed the rapture today. Just wanted to check to see if maybe the California Mormons or Buddhists were taken up and the Deep State just wasn't reporting it.

I bet @Scubbie has info on this.

Kajis used to make things up. Now they're introducing me to real films.

The elites don't want you to know this, but waifus are free. You can just make them. I have 458 Parasol Ladies.

Decided to try out a new hobby. Beginner-level vanishes and appearances to help pass the time.

Side note: Not super easy to do with winter gloves.

Old man rant -- Why does anyone care about who blocks them? Isn't that the whole point we've been making fun of overly-sensitive people for not doing instead of just trying to censor everyone? If you don't want to see something, mute them. If you don't trust them in this environment, block them, so they can't see you either.

If you want to argue with someone stupid, do it. But they don't have to be subjected to you in return. You think I want to see unpunctuated, nonsensical shit posts myself?

Listening to the Morning Constitutional I found out that I'm robosexual? 🤔

I guess I have been attracted to humanoid robots since 2nd grade. Fascinating.
. . . Can I get diversity-promoted for this?

Update: looks like Kate just has old cancer cells and is doing preventative chemo?

General rule of thumb -- Always ask yourself, "What are my enemies up to?" when you see something weird.

1) Christianity didn't invent the "God wants us to be humble and to take care of the poor, needy, and strangers. This "slave morality" goes back to the OT.

So all you retards who post nothing but anti-Christian stuff all day are just as stupid and ill-informed as the progressives who want to abolish Christianity and really believe that this would solve your problems with powerful evil people in the world somehow.

For your own sake, man, go BE the morality you want to see. Live your life well.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.