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@shortstories It bothers me that this happens to be "the year of the dragon."

I don't really agree with theologians who use astronomy and astrological signs as, well, "signs," but this does rub me the wrong way, considering that the Cathedral sure seems to love demonic attunement.

To be fair, we're told that the stars were created "for signs, seasons, days, and years." What do you think? Any thoughts about the Year of the Dragon?

Me and the boyz entering 2024 ready for whatever.

Let's go, lads!

I found it. Thanks to very rough mimicking of the sounds I could make out from the lyrics into Google Translate and then pasting the results into a search engine and then those into YouTube.

Every once in a while I hear a melody that really resonates with me. Glad I found this beauty!


Is this a Christmas song? Is there anyone here who can speak Russian and help me get the lyrics?

Or, even better, recognize the song and provide a title that I can search for recordings of?

TFM teaching his pirate crew in the year 2036 about the Before Time.

Happy Jan 6th!

Instead of shit-talking Republicans or Fed-posting, here's a recipe for "Coquito," a Puerto Rican egg-nog-style drink that's actually good.

Use white rum, nothing TOO cheap.

I dreamed that Vladimir Putin refused to return my pink eraser because he wanted to show the ultimate weapon to his enemies. There was a lady inside the cabin who had a whet stone the size of a domino on a shelf by the door and she let me have it.

Putin was polite to me, but a bit selfish, I thought.

Ronin Grey boosted

So it's just a flight log? Literally just a list?

It's not a "client" list, but a "visitor" list so that concave-brains can say, "That doesn't prove anything illegal happened!"

Do I misunderstand what was released?

I hate being examined by female doctors. They don't know WTF and never have any helpful insight. And no one ever asks me if I want to be touched by a woman.

No homo.

Happy New Year, my guys.

Wishing you prosperity, protection, and good fortune.


If you're a grown man, don't fucking fist bump me as a greeting.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.