Don't thank me for my service.

I was lied to, just like we all were. America was the Great Satan, but I didn't see it at the time.

I'm sorry to all the Muslims I indirectly killed. I hope you're in a better place than this dystopian trannypunk hellscape.

@Tfmonkey I try to tell Veterans something along the lines of, "I know it's tough on a lot of you today. I am wishing you a happy day despite the occassion." What is your opinion of that? I feel like ignoring this day when I talk to somebody close who is in the service could be taken as ignoring their struggle, but I also want to know if it's better to do so in your opinion.

@RoninGrey You can wish them a happy Memorial Day, but don't say "thank you for your service".


@Tfmonkey @RoninGrey The reality is their military service becomes their Identity,they want to feel a certain pride in what they did under the guise of serving the country.How could one know that CIA and Mossad time travelers came back in time and changed the narrative thru psyOps causing wars and rumors of wars to usher in the apocalypse

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