@Tfmonkey Meanwhile, in election rigging news, the regime is going through trump's allies and promising leniency if they all just turn on him. They just got his lawyer. They always got a plea from Sydney Powell.

There's no going back to normal. When you cross the rubicon, just keep going. Taking any L willingly is not an option for the regime. Not here, not on ukraine, not on israel.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

Fuck, I am calling it right here and now

There wont be a trump 2024 election they will remove him from runnin

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey they will remove him from the ballot write in candidate could be hard for the cathedral to get an accurate count to fix the vote Most states let you write in votes for president,
writing in a name does not mean that vote will count. Many states require that write-in candidates file paperwork before the election. Otherwise, the state will not count the person's votes.
If you check using your state's election website, enter "write-in candidates" in the search bar.


@Tfmonkey @37712 @ButtWorldsMan You do understand I believe Trump has traveled thru time and is Barron Trump in a time loop so I don’t believe in miracles but he may witness his own death like Bruce Willis in the Army of the 12 monkeys

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