This undercover footage provides a small window into what the underlings in the Biden cabinet think about the Jewish/Israel problem:

Now, of course at the end of the day it's all theatre and Biden would never actually oppose Israel, nor does he actually have the power to do it, but it's still interesting to hear what they believe in. And he's 100% correct that Jews are all Israel first and want America to support genocide, like TFM's Jewish/zionist cohost.


@37712 @Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey Cut Monkey some slack haters,he has just recently been convinced that he has been wrong and humbly accepted the facts,I hate that anyone has to deal with this death cult controlling and warping perception thru time at their will,how does someone cope with that,it has fucked me up I have known since 87,when I tried to do something in my youth I almost ended up in federal prison,now I am a beat dog,Oi,Oi,Oi set the prisioners free

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