
@Tfmonkey TFM did you ever try to fast for few days or longer?

I know you talked about one meal day and omitting meal for one day.

I sometimes fast for 48h in week.

1 time I fasted for 120h (my personal record) at the end of fast I felt so slow. But my smell, vision and hearing got better.

Maybe I will 30 day fasting challange. Like some people or monks do.

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@Stahesh @Tfmonkey

Done approximately 2 weeks on water only except toothpaste when brushing teeth

First 60 hours without water

Works best if you are very inactive

Wear warm clothes, drink warm water

Body feels cold and the warm water and warm clothes helps with this

Bad for health

Only benefit was willpower, it made my health worse over all

Became incredibly creative with visualizing or hallucinating ideas and no logic to check my bad ideas

No Sodium Potassium risk water intoxication

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey

Strongly discourage long fasting

If you are a religious oriented person singing religious songs outloud with food related themes ( fill my cup lord ) helps hunger go away

Repeating this method would not fit my current religious beliefs

I was more insane when I did it back then (psychosis?)

Do not hold same religious beliefs now

After first 72 hours it was very easy

Although it is psychologically easy that is a bad thing because pain is a warning about health problems

@shortstories @Tfmonkey Interesting to hear your story.

So I will most likely stay only fasting for 48-120h.

Because I did fasting mostly for autophagy. After 120h I think it is no needed to do so for long.

Yes the inactive part. At the end I felt slow and could only do bare minimum. I was like vampire without blood after sleeping for so many years

I will stay with fasting for few days to get autophagy, lower my glucose lvl and improve insulin resistance

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey

Almost 0 fat almost 0 carb

Fat Free no carb Vegetables


Fat Free Cottage Cheese
Fat Free Feta
Fat Free Meat
Fat Free Yogurt
Skim Milk

Small amount of flax seed to get minimum ALA Omega 3 this would be less than 20 calories. Under flax safe limit

With the flax seed I would have multivitamins which also contain dietary elements

Weight loss like fasting but less muscle loss

There is a warning that diets under 1000 Calories increase risk of gall bladder problems

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey

Dietary Elements = Dietary Minerals

Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Sodium and so on

They appear on the periodic table of elements and have a lower and upper limit of consumption based on age and gender but do not change with activity level suggesting to me the guidelines are probably wrong

The official amounts for most except Sodium are found here and are not trustworthy but since I do not run human experiments I have nothing better

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