@Tfmonkey TFM did you ever try to fast for few days or longer?

I know you talked about one meal day and omitting meal for one day.

I sometimes fast for 48h in week.

1 time I fasted for 120h (my personal record) at the end of fast I felt so slow. But my smell, vision and hearing got better.

Maybe I will 30 day fasting challange. Like some people or monks do.


@Stahesh @Tfmonkey

Done approximately 2 weeks on water only except toothpaste when brushing teeth

First 60 hours without water

Works best if you are very inactive

Wear warm clothes, drink warm water

Body feels cold and the warm water and warm clothes helps with this

Bad for health

Only benefit was willpower, it made my health worse over all

Became incredibly creative with visualizing or hallucinating ideas and no logic to check my bad ideas

No Sodium Potassium risk water intoxication

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