@Tfmonkey you often talk about how rape is not that big of a deal but just 3 or 4 shows ago you talked about a white couple in Europe that both the guy and his girl both got gang raped by a african gang of migrants and the guy ended up killing himself. Rape is different for different people, it can be a complete brainfuck for many ppl and then there are ppl who are able to put it behind them, killing rapists is the right thing to do specially if they rape women bc women are basically children


@37712 @Tfmonkey I personally think.

Rapists in my community need to die.

If my community invade another community. I would not see problem of raping their women.

If it sounds hypocritical it is. Live is full of hypocrisy.

Eat others and do not be eaten.

Kill others so you can live.

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@Stahesh @37712 @Tfmonkey I agree, rapists within my community need to die too.
Personally, I wouldn't want to see women in a conquered community raped because it's not necessary. Divvy them out as wives and servants to the men of my community to ensure they're under someone's care. Everyone who lives wins in the game of life.
Just because one conquers a people doesn't mean one needs to be barbaric about it.

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