@Tfmonkey I dont know if I will be voting in the elections, my choices are between a mentally challenged jew cum swallower and a jew cum swallower, if I vote for the potato jew cum swallower atleast he will do a terrible job at sucking jew dick. Is it really the right choice to vote trump over biden, biden has basically done so much to destroy everything, do we really want to get rid of that in exchange for someone who is actually competent at sucking jew cock?

@37712 @Tfmonkey Why vote for a lesser evil? When you can vote for greatest.

@Stahesh @37712 @Tfmonkey It's unfortunate that whoever made that is so unfamiliar with the mythos as to believe that CTHULHU is evil.

@DoubleD @37712 I personally know very little about Cthulhu lore.

Because I am not big fan of horrors.

So I will need to look in to it to know more.

@Stahesh @37712 This is my opinion based on my tastes. Some people love HP Lovecraft, and would excoriate me for this:
The mythos and the potential worlds creatable and inspired by HP Lovecraft are far better than most of his actual stories, which are middling, (science?) fiction at best.
"The Call of Cthulhu" is a starting place, but I would argue that no one can say that The Old Ones are evil in any respectable sense of the word.

@DoubleD @Stahesh @37712 I'm voting for Trump just to see what happens. I'm not going to throw my infinitesimal vote away on a joke.

>I'm not going to throw my infinitesimal vote away on a joke.

Then why vote for Trump?

@NEETzsche @37712 @DoubleD @Stahesh Trump is a real candidate, not a joke write-in. I want to see if the FBI assassinate him if he wins.

That's the only compelling argument I've heard to vote. That said, I've never felt the urge to vote for which set of clowns win the chicken battle at the circus.
@NEETzsche @37712 @DoubleD @Stahesh

@BiggusDiccus @NEETzsche @37712 @DoubleD @Tfmonkey

For me voting in democracy does not have meaning. When I know that majority are normies and NPCs.

That know nothing or very little and will not spend time to do basic research.

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