
Artificial selection caused by welfare tax has been causing a higher percent of people with genetic defects who could not survive on their own without the welfare state to exist in each generation

@shortstories @sardonicsmile

One of the major side effects of technology is that it's dysgenic. Through technology we keep people alive who could not otherwise survive, and those people have kids that then further weaken us a whole.

Once technology can shield us from most of the things that nature forced us to adapt to - climate, predators, starvation & disease - then natural evolution stops and human eugenics begins.

That's where we're at now.

@shortstories @sardonicsmile

Here's the irony: the more dysgenic we become the more likely it is that some kind of mass culling or man-made extinction event happens.

Something that wipes out all the accumulated weakness like a kind of Great Reset.

So in a roundabout way you could say yes, it's impossible to win against evolution.

That's kind of what the Fermi Paradox and the Kardashev Scale of civilization is about, i.e. advanced civilzations self-destruct.


@UncleIroh @shortstories @sardonicsmile what win against evolution is perfection.

Because you do not need to evolve when you are perfect.


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@Stahesh @UncleIroh @shortstories Well, there is no such thing as "perfect" your usage.
There *is* Fisherian Runaway Theory, though


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