I was thinking about giving quick Spanish lessons on my YouTube channel. Thoughts anyone?


It would be useful for people to know Spanish

Max Igan fled from Australia as a political refugee and chose Mexico instead of USA

I tried to learn multiple languages with grammatical gender and found them to difficult

I am trying to stick to learning new languages without grammatical gender

If I can learn one language without gender then I will consider trying to learn a new language with grammatical gender

It is useful but not unique because a lot of youtube people teach Spanish

All good valid points. I think in the future Mexico will be a more happening place than others. Indirectly I'll be helping people get by in the New World. Just my opinion.


@Gonzo17 @shortstories I decided spanish because it is pretty wide spread in mid and south america

German because I could make +2x more if I went few hours away to germany.

Russia for option for big BRIC member

Arabic because it is spreading in the west.

korean and japanese for content like man-gas/hwas and maybe some bitches.

Chinese for asia, most spoken and strong BRIC member, manhuas, maybe for future.

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@Stahesh @shortstories I was kidding it's always good to learn new things especially those languages I believe will be used more in the future.

@Stahesh @Gonzo17

Korean is the easiest out of all the languages you listed in my opinion

If you learn Arabic then Hebrew is easy but not the other way around

Hebrew and Arabic have almost the same vocabulary but the Arabic Alphabet is more advanced

@Gonzo17 @Stahesh

Muslims might discriminate against you because of your religion but will never discriminate against you because of your race as much as Jews do

@shortstories @Stahesh true I have Muslim friends. I've had Jewish friends before but they're Americans so no real difference there.

@Gonzo17 @shortstories same I personally like islam compare to judaism.

Basically that do not do mutulations are more better IMO.

only other languages i can see esperanto, portuguese indonesian, maybe turkish

@Stahesh @Gonzo17

After trying to learn Hebrew I learned the Number and Gender lead to a lack of grammatical clarity and make languages poor for science and law

You can not tell if any of the old testament laws that apply to males also apply to females


Masculine nouns can apply to both males and females or to males only

But feminine nouns apply only to females

There is no gramnatical gender for males only

Turkish is better because it lacks gramnatical gender


@shortstories @Stahesh I'm pretty sure there is a study on language. I've heard the word linguistic, learning is fun.

@Gonzo17 @Stahesh

There are only two types of university degrees I know of that I respect that do not user math

1 Linguistics excluding learning your own language which you should already know

2 Art or other degree where you do hands on skills

@shortstories @Stahesh yeah college and such is mostly useless. You're better off wasting your time and money on a casino it would be more fun.

@Gonzo17 @shortstories I would more learn logical things compare to languages that most do not make sense.

I wish we could decide on language with one alphabet and easy system.

I would be happy to talk telepathically with neuralink or something similar.

@Stahesh @Gonzo17

Do not get neuralink because they will run it backwards to put stuff in your brain without your consent to control your behavior

@shortstories @Stahesh lol true my mind is already messed up just add a remote control chip, what could go wrong?

@shortstories @Stahesh @Gonzo17
Most languages are the same. You don't need specific male-only words because it's pretty obvious you're talking about men: doctor, leader, plumber, soldier, thinker, etc.
Only with the progressive era thing have deviated from the past 5000 years of recorded history.

@Zeb @Stahesh @Gonzo17

There is a command not to murder in the old testament

But does it apply to females

Are both women & men commanded not to murder or are only males commanded not to murder

The Old testament laws and any modern laws written in the Hebrew language are vague and unclear

@shortstories @Stahesh @Gonzo17
My view has always been god commanded humanity to not murder. The problem is not god, it's men not prosecuting women for their crimes.

All "bibles" are vague by design, it provides more authority to the shamans/priests/imams/preachers.

@Zeb @shortstories @Gonzo17 god must be so weak.

By my god and believes everything is allowed if you have the power.

There is no right there is no wrong. there is no meaning only existence.

Destroying infinite worlds with infinite lives would be normal.

Because light of existence is fucktup

So praise the will.

@Gonzo17 @Zeb @shortstories Exactly only will can decide the will.

So strongest existence(will) will decide laws(will) of others.

@Zeb @shortstories @Stahesh unfortunately the average person is not very bright. That's why we can't have noce things.

@Zeb @Stahesh @Gonzo17

there is no Hebrew word for a male only space but there is a Hebrew word for a female only space because grammatical masculine gender can refer to both males and females but grammatical feminine gender can refer to females only

Thus the Hebrew language combined with Jews being in charge of everything

Lead to the existence of female only spaces but the absense of male only spaces

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