
🤣 Is this true that chinese worker have more vacation than USA worker?

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@Stahesh US-based companies do not have mandatory vacation that you MUST take every year, but companies are required by law to honor a number of vacation days as written in a contract.

Mandatory vacation also means that time comes out of whatever you're being paid, even if you're a contractor not an employee. It's far better for worker's freedom to have the ability to write contracts.

Any time you see something about needing more government controls, it's most likely socialist propaganda.

@Stahesh 2 weeks vacation per year used to be standard. If you don't use your vacation days, they owe you money equivalent to them when you quit or if you get fired.

So companies came up with "unlimited" vacation. This means, instead of being entitled to 2 weeks, you get as much or as little as your manager wants to give you. When you quit, or if you get fired, the company owes you nothing.

Stupid people really think you can take 180 vacation days a year because it's "unlimited."

@Stahesh because you fucking retard the state should have no business telling you when or how to take holidays. Holy fucking Christ

@MrpoopyButhole @Stahesh
You know he's a chair communist because he never considered moving to china since it's so awesome there.

@Zeb @MrpoopyButhole I would be only self centered communist. Where only free stuff for me and no one else.😇

China eww not good for foreigners.


There are legally mandatory holidays and if you work on those holidays the company is required to pay you more per hour or per day from what I understand


There were labor-free Sundays, and when the plowing and harvesting seasons were over, the peasant got time to rest, too. In fact, economist Juliet Shor found that during periods of particularly high wages, such as 14th-century England, peasants might put in no more than 150 days a year.

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