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Used new 16personalities test and by it I am INTJ.

Last time I was INTP.

It is funny but I think i resonate with it very much.

Stahesh boosted

Snow White Trailer Parody - Snow Woke And The Extremely Ugly Evil Queen | AI Generated

Stahesh boosted

this alone is grounds to nuke , i understand why the other reasons but this nukie kinzal should fly for this , make it make sense @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic

Stahesh boosted

@Mr_Mister They're only unfit to serve according to pre-DEI male standard.
If you use the 2024 female standard as the baseline, 100% of men can beat it - even legless trannies.

Stahesh boosted

There was a study/report whatever that showed that ~70% of military age men are not fit for service because they’re too fat or whatever. I’m too lazy to look it up.

That’s good news because if America wants to go to war with Iran then it HAS to call a draft. So every man will reach “fuck it” all at once.

Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
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