
For anyone who cares, The Aldi brand green tea is just as good as the name brand (Bigelow) green tea and costs less than $2

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The most meaningful difference would seem like the strength the generic has half a gram more tea per bag.

@Tfmonkey I got "prince of peace" tea from my local asian market. Not sure how it compares to those brands but I enjoy it either way.

@Tfmonkey Good price point. I like the Twinings brand. I like their green and black tea.

If you ever get to the stage where you are buying leaf tea then I have 2 suggestions.
1. White tea. It's just green tea but uses the younger leaves. More delicious, subtle and can drink all day.
2. Hibiscus leaf. Strong, sharp, red, aromatic, and very fruity. Great for when you want a palette change.

@Tfmonkey I used to drink a lot of tea, then I realized it made my acid reflux worse.

@Tfmonkey Aldi stuff is usually on par with the more expensive variants. haven’t had any issues with quality.

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