
If you like chillhop/jazzhop I just found a good one for ya. I like to listen to these while I work.

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@Tfmonkey - Heeey...! I love chillhop and jazzhop. Thanks. 🍻

@Tfmonkey Do you like Classical music? I am partial to Chopin, Debussy, and Bach cello suites. Might I offer a primer?

@sardonicsmile I have relaxing piano music, but a lot of classical music is a bit too energetic. I do love me some gymnopedies from Satie.

@Tfmonkey Try the Composers I listed. Soothing and melancholic. Good background music for working. imo

Mozart, Shostakovich and Abba are indeed energetic and vibrant.

@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey

Shostakovich is a favorite for sure.

If you want the ultimate in calm you can do no better than Spiegel im Spiegel by Arvo Part. It's a masterclass on meditative calm and minimalism:

@Tfmonkey @sardonicsmile

Classical fan here too.

Sometimes choral music or solo instruments can strike the right balance if you find classical music too energetic.

A few beauties that come to mind:

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey So, you are a fan of "The Sixteen", with Harry Christophers. Very moving, indeed.

I see you are a man with taste!

@Tfmonkey thanks forsharing been into chillstep coz of studying c++ , now am hoarding it all

@dander Chillstep feels a bit to fast for me, like it would make better dancing music than relaxing music. Thanks for caring enough to recommend though.

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