
The Bible says you go to hell for 1,000s of things but never once mentions making fun of retards to be one of them, but whenever you make fun of retards, people tell you you're going to hell.

I've always found that weird.

@Tfmonkey which retards? The literal drooling duurrr shortbus retards, or internet meme retards?

@ButtWorldsMan what's the difference as far as going to hell for making fun of them is concerned?

@ButtWorldsMan If you're almighty, create a rock that you yourself cannot lift.

@Tfmonkey That's going to be the weirdest boner I ever have.

@Tfmonkey you might want to look at Matthew 5:22

"But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca,' is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell."

That is Jesus himself saying you are in dangerous territory. Maybe you don't believe, but it looks a lot like what you are referring to.

@houseoftolstoy I don't see anything in there about making fun of retards. I'm not calling them fools, I'm calling them retards . . . because they are retards.

If God didn't heal them of their retardation, then obviously it's God's will that they remain retards. Why does God hate them? Who am I to judge?

Anyone calling me a fool for making fun of retards is in danger of the fire of hell according to Jesus himself.

@Tfmonkey That is because retards are kept in a gated community where almost everything is done FOR them, and heaven knows the association is very apt.

@Tfmonkey I can think of a couple off the top of my head, I guess I could have googled for more, or exact wording, but meh, you probably won't read this anyway.

Leviticus: you shall not curse the deaf or make the blind stumble, you shall fear your Gods wrath.

Proverbs: open your mouth for the mute and the rights for all who are destitute, judge righteously and defend the rights of the poor and needy.

@UnpopularOpinion I'm not making fun of deaf or blind people. I'm making fun of retards. These people aren't handicapped, they're stupid.

@Tfmonkey proverbs would fit retards more, but then there's also Matthew 7:6 Do not cast your pearls before the swine, that would back you play against retards. The bible has many fun things in it that people pick and choose what to follow. It's convenient that the bible has so many contradictory passages. I would really like a zombie jihad jesus denomination that's all about retribution and old school biblical hardcore badassery myself... Sigh... Or Hitler Jesus, lol

@Tfmonkey You go to heaven for the weather...but hell for the people.

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