
Someone suggested I ask Celestina's AI to suggest poses and cosplay, and she wanted wedding pictures on the beach, so here we go.

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@Tfmonkey I experimented to get the result I wanted with witch outfit. But now I do not have any free pictures to have it in dark hair and try different outfits.

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey Post your batches as well. Your bitches are turning out fine.

@Stahesh so I recently got it to stop putting multiple fingers everywhere.

it looks like categorizes thumbs differently then fingers.

So I just put this in the negative category

“more then 4 fingers on left hand”
“more then 4 fingers on right hand”
“Less then 8 fingers total”

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey When someone discovers something that makes them happy, they want to share it.

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey given how much he posts AI generated celestina this is the happiest he's been in years.

Too bad about that portfolio tho lol

@Tfmonkey if everyone else is posting their art I’ll post mine too.

Here are my favorite ones over the last 4 days of trial and error.

@Tfmonkey 💍 ⛪ 🔔
I've seen some wedding dresses that look like the fourth one, but never would a bride looks like her.
She's quite a doll. 😏

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