
Version 2.0 with eye color correction and additional labels added. I think this will be the final version, but feel free to add your own.

@Tfmonkey Too much you’re really taking this Jew thing To the extreme next level relax soak it in I know you’re new to this awakening everything will be OK tone it down

@Tfmonkey if people add enough labels to it it can become a proper leftist meme.


All true about some of the people in those groups but missing

Unless Anointed is a code word for them

Who are the anointed?

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey
That picture existed at or before the Evalion video below

Later she claimed to have multiple personalities on Brian Ruhe podcast

Started a new stay Sane Evalion bitchute channel

Might have accused her ex boyfriend of brainwashing her to become a nazi if my memory is correct

Picture appears at 9 minutes and 31 seconds and slightly earlier and later also in this copy


Daily Motion


Now I see it the elephant has a happy merchant face

@Tfmonkey Great to see you FINALLY admitting ((( WHO ))) is behind it all , after refusing to name them for so many years

Open Borders
Pedo Groming Story Hour
Porn Industry
Only Fans
Big Tech
Central Banking Cartel
Womens 'rights'

ALL of it comes back to Jews, Jewish Power, Israel Lobbies
towards Whites and Goyim
on purpose
by design

since the last realm reset

Genetic traits exist with RACE just as it exists with women

@charliebrownau @Tfmonkey IT takes two to tango. Women chose feminism over everything else.

@viatorem @Tfmonkey The other day I had a female (Lesbian Feminist)
being a Cunt while I am in a shed using power tools

She was like Do you support women's rights
I said No
I support everyone being held to the same exact standard

She kept on being really fucking annoying

I said keep poking the bear and you might get hit

Her reaction
You cant hit me I am female

My response was
I dont care

Then she played the
Your racist card (Part Abo)

I said I dont care

Then she then goes,well if you hit me ill call the cops

I said its simple

Stop being annoying , go away. Just fuck off

Responce I didnt do anything REEEEEEEE

So many of these young wankers
want to piss off people
then refuse to accept the consequences for their own actions

Is it 2030/SHTF yet .........

Without Taxation, the National Federal State , Weflare , courts, corporations and central banks , tax cattle will be forced to deal with reality FINALLY

I would love to own a cattle prod just to have 5 minutes of peace and quiet at times -
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