
You haven't been brainwashed. You're just weak and willing to conform. You merely blame being brainwashed to avoid the shame of your own weakness.

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey

That doesn't account for the strong, non-conformist types who have been brainwashed.

The classic example of this is the Christian Zionist.

No question about their strength of will, or of their willingness to go against a narrative, but are they ever the best example of the brainwashed idiot.

@PordanJeterson so confront and overcome your weakness (which is under your control) rather than blame all that which outside of you for your problems while your life remains the same and you nurse a victim complex to deal with your shame.

@Tfmonkey Weakness is a choice. It is the ultimate sin. Every day we must choose to embrace either the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The judgement of iron is inevitable. Hell is who are became meeting who you could have been.

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