
Reminder that I'm still banned from Twitter but they let the nazis back on.

Therefore talking about restoring Patriarchy is worse than the holocaust.

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@Tfmonkey Without weak men aka the opposite of patriarchy, everything else that is bad in our current society couldn't exist.

@CleverMoniker @Tfmonkey "Without weak men aka the opposite of patriarchy, everything else that is bad in our current society couldn't exist."

Weak men certainly exist, and the system does its best to breed them. But how many are simply accepting the current legal, practical limits to male power on Clown World, which for example gives women all the power in relationships unless you're willing to go extrajudicial which is of course a dead end?

@Tfmonkey By their fruits you will know them. What you say is a much greater threat to western gynofaggotocracy than race worship ever could be.

@Mongoliaboo @Tfmonkey
Pretty much. The nazis can make america as white and aryan as they want, right before they go extinct and their women fuck their new overlords over their dead bodies.

@Zeb @Mongoliaboo @Tfmonkey Japan Is death AND have Everything that white Supremacist dream

@Tfmonkey One is effective at undermining the cathedrals power, the other makes the right look bad because the holocaust narrative is so ingrained as to be effectively unshackable.

@Tfmonkey They've been banning anti-zionist voices as well (they're not Nazis).

Talking about the restoring the patriarchy is just as bad as questioning the holocaust. And as far as I know, it's not yet considered a crime, like "holocaust denial".


Not surprising. Just create a new one and see how long you last. We can make a "deadpool" and place bets.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Tfmonkey Create AND account name "Waifu Overlord" if isn't already taken

@Tfmonkey >Nazis
This word has lost any meaning, please be specific

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