@Tfmonkey now that you've finally fully come around to acknowledging that even if it were the Cathedral, it is in the clutches of the Zionists/Jews, can we just call it the Synagogue now? Because that's what it is. Not to mention, the retard who came up with the makings of labelling our corrupt system as the cathedral Curtis Yarvin is.. wait for it.. a Jew. I used to be like you insofar that I was lenient and skeptical about whether it was the Jews or just general marxist/feminist cringe but..

@Ness2000 @Tfmonkey

The Man's got a point there TFM, why not just call it for what it is, its the Jews.

@37712 @Ness2000 @Tfmonkey @Lorgar - Counterpoint: Calling it "the Jews" is minimizing the problem.

Jews are a tiny fraction of the populace, which makes the problem look much smaller & solvable than it actually is.

The thought strikes me: Jews were kicked out of many countries in history, right? I don't know yet, but I'm curious if that solved their jew problem, because I suspect not.

"The cathedral" implies a larger, more entrenched apparatus than "the Jews", & seems more accurate for that.

@YoMomz @37712 @Tfmonkey @Lorgar I think that referring to it as the cathedral also minimizes the issue in several ways too, but it's not like its the Catholics behind most of it or benefiting the most from this entrenched apparatus of media-finance-state revolving door that only seems to serve the interests of Israeli Jews, in particular the most corrupt of those Jews. I for one, still love Kuroi, if anyone remembers him, and I believe that Halsey is a respectable man.


@Ness2000 @YoMomz @37712 @Lorgar The term "The Cathedral" comes from Moldbug. I merely borrowed it, but it doesn't matter as long as you know what I'm talking about.

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@Tfmonkey @YoMomz @37712 @Lorgar Curtis Yarvin popularized it and spread it around the dissident/reactionary circles. But I guess if it means having the term fly under the radar of the tribe in power, it's fine enough for me.

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